Team Retarded
Hanover Ultimate

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This is the section of the page that we review some of the stupid shit that our team does on a regular basis. Basically this is where we make fun of ourselves and keep entertained when we are feeling like winners!!!
email me if you want me to add any extra special thing s to this section

  Quotes straight off the field... "Make this stack tighter than a 12 year old!"-Brian
"This reminds me of a poem I once wrote..."-Rodney
Michael Bolton is is pop sinsation turned superstar!"-Steve
"Carol Guest said hi to me today!!"-Tim
"why do guys hate me? is it because im tall?"-Nate

Jon's best friend
  "Fast Fact" of the day... We aren't allowed to do fast fact or pushups at practice!

smarter than your average Canadian
  Other Mindless Nonsense El Camino, El El Camino...The front lokks like a car, the back looks like a truck, the front is where you drive the back is where you ..El Camino, El El Camino!!

*Alexi's 17 year old boyfriend lit his penis on fire at jesus camp!

Wes's baby picture